Monday, August 15, 2011

Peanut is One Month Old!

I can't believe my eyes...this kid is ALREADY one month old! It's so hard to believe that it has been a month since I gave birth to him---but let me tell you, it has been one exhausting but REWARDING month!

We have been getting used to being new parents, it is definitely an adventure! It's hard to figure out which cries mean what and hard to take care of another human being 24/7 but we are slowly getting used to it! This month we had a few doctors appointments, mostly for Peanut, but it's been alright! In the beginning, Peanut lost a pound from his birth weight so that had to be monitored. Turns out that he wasn't getting enough to eat, so once I started supplementing with formula, he has been a happy, growing camper! :) He's grown from 7lbs 12oz (birth weight) all the way to 8lbs 15oz this he seems to be packing on the weight like he should be!!

About 3 days ago, he started smiling. That was probably the most magical thing I have seen...Just to look into your own child's eyes and have them smile at you is the BEST feeling in the whole world. I now know what it feels like to love someone so much that you haven't even known for very long---the love for your child is like no other!

Lets see...Kyle has been working his butt off to provide (he's amazing!) while I work on the website that I have started up. I just got a new product that I hope to promote really well called Wubbanubs...they are awesome, if you get the chance you should check out the site ( it's been slow to start up, but it is finally starting to get a good amount of traffic which is very good! :)

I start school next week, and let me tell you...I am soooo excited! I am sooo ready for some brain exercising! lol! I am taking Biology---so that should be hard enough! lol. I am excited for it though, I am ready to start learning again.

If you haven't already noticed...I updated the background to the blog...I definitely needed to update Peanut's picture, especially considering he isn't a 16 week old fetus anymore! lol (the old ultrasound picture hehe)

Well, I am going to go---dinner is calling my name and my daily headache is coming on! I will write more soon, as I find the time to get away from it all for a few seconds :)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Peanut has ARRIVED!!!!

WARNING: This might have some TMI moments!!! hehe.

It all started on Wednesday July 13. The day before I had just talked to my OB and scheduled my induction for the 14th at 8pm. Everything was all set, and so on the 13th, I had my last maternal fetal medicine appointment (due to my high blood pressure) and was expecting it to be just another normal appointment...a non stress test and ultrasound to make sure that the baby was growing correctly and that all was good with him!
My best friend ended up taking me to my appointment because Kyle had to work, and so beforehand we decided to stop and get some lunch at a local deli (I am so glad that we did this!) We got to my appointment a little bit early, and sat in the waiting room for a while talking to this cute couple with a little boy. They were there finding out the sex of their baby, so that was neat! When we finally got called to go back, I was excited because I really liked seeing the baby and hearing his heartbeat. 
Then it all started: When we got back to the room, the nurse took my blood pressure. My blood pressure was measuring 170/94 which is obviously pretty high. She then told me that she wasn't allowed to let me leave with my blood pressure being that high, and so she would let me do my non stress test and come back to do the blood pressure check again, because it could have just been from nerves from my upcoming induction. When she took my blood pressure again, it was measuring around 160/90 which was still elevated, so she called my OB and told her what was going on...and they said to send me straight to labor and delivery. This freaked me out because first of all, I wasn't expecting it (and was scared to death) and also Kyle was at work and my mom was out of town. All I had was my best friend (not that I am complaining...she was great!) 
Once we left the maternal fetal medicine office, we stopped by my house for a split second to pick up my stuff that I had packed for the hospital because I wasn't sure when my husband was going to be able to get there. That took about 5-10 minutes and was on the way to the hospital so it wasn't a big deal. Then, we made our way to the hospital.
Once we got there, they immediately checked me into a room and gave me a robe to put on. They also got all of my insurance information and such, and I had to fill out a little bit of paperwork. After a little while,  my mom and Kyle finally got to the hospital and my bff had to leave, so they checked my cervix and decided to get the cervadil (medicine to ripen the cervix) started to get my induction on the road, which was going to take 12 hours. My mom then decided to leave the hospital because there wasn't really anything exciting going on, and so Kyle and I got comfortable and waited it out. We played on our computers and watched movies for a while...until hubby fell asleep and I stayed awake the WHOLE night. I started cramping really bad, but the monitor wasn't picking up any contractions so I didn't think anything of it. During the night, I really needed to use the bathroom, but was so afraid that the cervadil would fall out so I held it as long as possible...but couldn't anymore! lol...(TMI??!) so I finally got to go around 3am.
At 5:30 ish, my nurse came in to take the cervadil out and check my cervix again. She wasn't able to tell how dilated I was if any, but I was happy to have the cervadil out because I was so crampy. I was able to just sit around and chill out for a little while because I was finally going to be able to have some breakfast at 7am (I hadn't eaten since I had lunch with my bff the previous day, so I was quite ravenous). At 7, we ordered some breakfast...I got an english muffin and some frosted flakes. 
As I was eating my english muffin, my OB finally came in to say hello and check me. I was actually at a 3 and 80% effaced by this time...which was surprising because we hadn't seen any contractions on the monitor, but apparently the sensor was on the wrong spot on my belly the whole night so they weren't being picked up. She broke my water as she was checking me, and the show really got on the road from there. They then started the pitocin (the induction medicine) and pennicillin because I was group b strep positive.
The morning went on pretty well, I was getting more and more contractions as time progressed. We watched some tv and tried to get some rest, but that wasn't quite happening. I was able to get up and use the bathroom when I wanted to, I just had to take my IV with That was a fun experience! My best friend then came back to hang out with me, and that was nice because she really helped with distracting me at some points when the contractions were really bad. I got up a few times and bounced on a yoga ball, which really helped take the pressure off of my tail bone...but then the contractions started to get completely was so painful! So I then decided that I couldn't take it anymore and that I wanted to get the epidural.
Around noon, I called my nurse and told her I wanted my OB came in and checked me to make sure my cervix was dilated enough. I was at a 5 and 100% effaced!!! woohoo! So, I was able to get my epidural!!! :) The anesthesiologist came in (who was hilarious the whole time and made the whole process of getting the epi actually fun) and gave me the medicine as my nurse held my hand and helped me get through it and seriously, after that medicine kicked in, it was absolutely AMAAZIIINGGGG! I felt no contractions, and was finally able to get some much needed rest. My best friend decided to leave around this time so that way I could get some sleep...and she said she would be back after the baby was born.
Finally around 5:30pm, my doctor came back to check and see how I was doing. I had been feeling a little bit of pain so I had upped the epidural a few times and was feeling nothing! As she checked me, the thing she said was "I hope you're at an 8!" I completely agreed with her because I was kind of ready to be done...(TMI alert?!) she only went in about an inch and felt a head! I was 10cm and 100% was actually time to PUSH! We were both completely shocked at this, because I was progressing so slowly before...but I went pretty quick this time!!! :)
They got me all ready to push, and because of the epidural I seriously felt NOTHING. They told me every time I was having a contraction so I knew to push...but other than that I felt great. I was actually LAUGHING through my contractions because I was feeling so many emotions. Apparently every time I laughed, the baby came out a little bit...LOL! Too funny. 
I pushed for about 20 minutes, and FINALLY my son was born at 6:15pm! it was the coolest thing EVER, I had never felt so much love in an instant for something, it was so neat to finally see him. Kyle was crying (something I never see him do) so this made me burst into tears. It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget! The baby actually didn't cry at first, so this worried me...they took him away to make sure everything was alright, but apparently he just was really chilled out and didn't want to cry. He got a 6/9 on his first APGAR test, and then a 9/9 five minutes later, so everything was great! He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 21.5 inches long! They got him all dressed and finally brought him over to me, and I was able to kiss and hold him for a few minutes while they gave me stitches. They cleaned me up and let me relax with the baby, and FINALLY I could eat again. Since the hospital cafeteria was closed by the time everything was over with so hubby went and grabbed McDonalds and I scarfed down 3 cheeseburgers pretty quickly! My best friend and her husband came back during this time and were finally able to meet the was neat!
I was able to relax for a little bit with the baby after this before they wheeled me to postpartum, and once we got there we got to just relax for a little bit and get situated and the nurse was able to let us know all about what was supposed to be going on. I was able to nurse the baby and the baby never left our side as we were in the hospital (except for checks and such) which I loved. Our hospital had no nursery, so he just hung out with us...and I loved this because we were able to bond properly. We stayed in post partum until Saturday afternoon, and finally were able to come home then.
I am SO in love with my little man...I can't believe he is FINALLY here!!!! :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

We're MARRIED! and it's been a while...huh?! :)

So, yes...I admit. We have been SLACKING majorly on our blog posts. I can say that because it's been 9 weeks since we updated last. SO sorry about that, it's just been so crazy around here lately, getting ready for baby and GETTING MARRIED, that we don't even know where to start! lol.

I promise from now on, there will be regular updates because we do want to be able to look back on these posts later on, and it's also fun to update those who aren't around us 24/7. here's what has been going down for the past 9 weeks in our lives. This may get long, so brace yourself!! It says that my last blog post was April 25, that's crazy! I am going to break this down by month so that I can remember what has happened...I am suffering from MAJOR pregnancy brain lately, so I never remember ANYTHING, which is really starting to frustrate me and Kyle...hehe. I had written down things that happened on my calendar on my laptop, so that when I finally decided to update, I would be able to! haha :)


  • We had a specialist appointment on May 4...and found out that peanut is going to be a big baby! He was already measuring over 5lbs at that point...which is a bit scary! lol. 
  • May 6th- 29 weeks :)
  • On May 9th we got to tour the hospital. That was really crazy, it finally put things into perspective for Kyle and I...that we are ACTUALLY having a baby. CRAZY stuff. I still can't believe it, but we are really excited. We got to learn about the facility and the hospital that I will be giving birth in, so that was really good. I think we both started to get even MORE excited (if that could even happen!) at this tour that we took...
  • May 13th- 30 weeks!
  • I turned 23 on May 19th...that was exciting. I am glad to finally be the same age as Kyle...there is a 7th month period during the year when we are not the same age, so it's exciting when we are. (yes I am a dork! lol) 
  • May 20th- 31 weeks!
  • On May 23, Kyle and I went and got our MARRIAGE LICENSE! that was fun...we felt so official after we got it, it looks really neat! lol. That was really exciting for us. We also ordered our wedding cake that week, on the 27th. (it was DELICIOUS, btw!)
  • May 27th- 32 weeks!
  • I still had the trade days market thing that I go to every month at the end of may...and it was a SCORCHER! it was so stinkin hot, I am suprised this baby didn't melt right out of me. That was CRAZY. It was also really sad because during the market, My mom and I found out that one of our good friends and roommates from back in Canada had passed away. She was like an aunt to me, so this hit me hard and it was really sad. RIP Pam.

Well here we are in June now! I can't believe that this month is OVER...complete CRAZINESS! We are so close to having Peanut now, it's really crazy. He is due in less than a month, which is starting to hit us hard, we can't believe we are about to be PARENTS! We're really excited. Kyle just told me the other day that he is SO happy, and I couldn't agree more with him. We are both getting to the point where nothing else matters...and it's great. :) We have had an EXCITING month so far!

  • June 3rd- 33 weeks!
  • Belly Shot from 33 weeks :)
  • On June 8th we found out that Peanut weighs almost 6lbs now. He's getting to be a little chunky one! I love it, I can't wait to see him and his cute little chubby cheeks. (Hopefully he doesn't see this when he's older and get mad at!) The specialist appointments are fun because we get to see Little Man...and I love it! I think my favorite part is watching Kyle look at the baby on the monitor. He looks in pure awe and's great. It makes me tear up every single time!!!!
  • June 10th- 34 weeks!!
  • On June 16th we got maternity photos done. They are soooo fun! My best friend's sister in law took the pictures...she is AMAZING. I hope to post them on here when she is done with the editing process...I can't wait to see them. She also did the pictures for our wedding too...which I also can't wait to see! I will post a slideshow of the pictures here for you to see soon! I can't wait to see the pictures!
  • June 17th- 35 weeks!!
  • Also on June 17th we got to go to the wedding venue and have a rehearsal! That was was great to see exactly what to do for our wedding, and just take it all in. When we got home, we had a "rehearsal barbeque" at the house with close friends that we consider family :). it was really fun, I am glad we have them in our lives!! :)
  • JUNE 18TH- THE BIG DAY!!!! :) We got married at 12pm on the lake at this fabulous restaurant with a CRAZY amazing view. It was absolutely GORGEOUS! It was a VERY small wedding, mainly close friends and family. **We decided to keep it small because we weren't sure if the wedding was even going to be able to happen because of the fact that I was almost 9 months pregnant...and we didn't want to invite people from out of town, have them make arrangements to come down, and then have a problem if we couldn't have the wedding. We are planning to renew vows in the future where more people can come :) We just wanted to be married for our little Peanut...he is the main reason why we did it (aside from the fact that we have fallen more for each other every single day since everything happened in our lives!)
    • Here's a few pictures...with a sneak peak from the photographer! We are still waiting for the rest to be edited!! :) They will be added to the blog when I get them back!! :)  
  • We are REALLY happy. We got to spend the night at a really nice hotel, so that was good. We plan to take a honeymoon sometime next year, considering it would be really hard to do now, with the baby on his way. We are in the middle of planning a Disney trip for this winter, so that will be exciting. One of our main priorities is that Kyle is able to keep his job down in's what makes him happy, and if he is happy...then I am happy! :) So maybe we will count that as part of our Honeymoon! :) haha. It will be neat to be able to get pictures with Peanut and his daddy at work!!!! :)
  • June 24- 36 weeks!
And here we are! One week exactly from our wedding day...and it's so great to be married to my best friend! We have less than a month until peanut gets here...I am probably going to be induced in 2-3 weeks due to blood pressure stuff that the doctors seem to still be concerned about. I am not sure what's up, but it will be nice to see our baby soon! What else can I say?! :) haha um...well...I guess that's it for the update! I plan to update once a week from now on (AT LEAST!) and then the baby will be here so SOON! I can't believe it!!!! :) I am having some pre-labor who knows...he could be here VERY soon!!! :) Thanks for reading this crazy long post... 

Monday, April 25, 2011

27 Weeks and We Got to See Our Son in 3D!

Geesh it's been a long time!!! I have been slacking so much with posting blogs...I just haven't really had much to say! Everything has been so lackluster around here lately! lol.

Lets see...where do I even begin! I guess we could talk about the REALLY EXCITING 3D ULTRASOUND that we got done!! :) Ok...Lets back it up to 2 weeks ago (April 11th to be exact). This was the first time that we tried to see little Peanut. Lets just say that he didn't want to cooperate, because he was facing my spine. lol. So, we made another appointment for 2 days later...and he was facing my spine AGAIN! He was so stubborn, and I was getting really flustered because I wasn't sure we were going to be able to see him! :( With the place that we went to, it's basically 3 strikes and you're out. You only get to try 3 we made our last appointment for today. 

SO...Today before we went, we decided to try something to get the baby we got frappuccinos before we went to the appointment. This definitely got the baby moving, because FINALLY he was facing where he should be facing! lol. We got some good pictures and we even got some video! :) It was so magical seeing his little face...I can't believe that's our son! :) Here some pics from the awesome experience!

He just LOVED to suck on his fingers, and his feet were also up in his face! lol

Hehe he looks like he's smiling!

Our son! :)

So yeah! That's the story for the day! lol :) 

Hmm...what else is new? Oh! We finished the nursery! My BFF came over and helped me paint the walls while Kyle was at work, and Kyle and I built the crib and made letters that spell out his name for the wall! I am so excited! Here are some of the pictures!! :)

The Crib...we still need something to hang over it. Hmm...

The giraffe I painted on the wall! :)

The rocker and dresser...the picture frames are so neat!


I guess the only thing left to post would be my current "belly" picture! :) I got a haircut, it feels soooo good to not have so much hair anymore! lol

me at 27 weeks! :)

I'll be sure to update more often! I have missed this! I am sure I will have more exciting things going on within the next few months...I can't believe we have 88 days until his due date! ahhhh! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

So I guess It's Been Awhile

Well, well, well.

Seeing as how it's been awhile since either one of us (mainly Kyle) have blogged on this site, I figured maybe it's time for me to do it.

Not too much has been happening in our lives since the last time I posted on here, I still am working a lot, but trying to make everything I can to bring home the bacon for both of us and the baby. There are always those tough days and the slow ones to say the least, for which I mostly blame this economy and the government in full. But nonetheless, like everyone here in America, we get out of bed, we roll up our sleeves and we get our asses to work and we do everything it takes to make sure this country and everything is running smoothly. On a personal note regarding work and MY job, I finally have made my mark where I work as I have ridden myself of the name tag and the title of Rising Star!  I've finally got my first star! I am really excited!

Aside from work, which is pretty much my life and I don't mind it as much as I did where I used to work, the weeks that have passed have been somewhat insane and crazy, but Amanda and I both have survived. I've definitely done a lot of soul searching on myself and I definitely have a lot to learn as I prepare for more fun and excitement that will be happening in our lives. I'm learning compromise and patience, while I do struggle with it, Amanda always seems to keep me in check and reminding me to have patience in regards to so many things, I'm always thinking in my head "Amanda, I'm trying," it's about all I can do.

Furthermore, one exciting thing other than the arrival of our child is that one thing we have managed to keep aside from the craziness that transpired after this whole pregnancy is our wedding day!
Yes, you're reading this correctly, Amanda and I are finally going to get married and on the day that we intended on having from the get-go, June 18th, 2011. It'll be happening at the Oasis restaurant while overlooking Lake Travis and we are both very excited about it. 
While Amanda was actually away last weekend, I did my own little planning homework and saw a little David Tutera clip and viewed a couple of his tips/advice and one thing that I remember was his whole "you're gonna need to come up with a couple surprises for each other. Something from the heart, something that will melt the others and bring them to tears." After reading this, I'm thinking in my head "I don't wanna insult the guy, but this guy's full of crap, not to mention he's out of his mind." However, the more I thought about it, took me back to the night I proposed to Amanda and how blown away she was by it and figured out that in regards to these surprises, I'm gonna come up with some things that will give her the whole va-va-voom effect, like the hand over the mouth surprise reaction and possibly the LAST thing she'd ever expect me to do. I've had a few thoughts here and there and think I can follow through with one, and putting this surprise together goes back to one virtue in life I'm learning: patience to make it happen. It'll take awhile to make possible, but in the end, I just know it'll be worth it and I can look at her and look at myself and say "I was patient, I did this all for her and I couldn't be happier." The  only detail I can say about this that won't give anything away is that this is the biggest plot/scheme I've ever planned in my life, but in the end, I cannot wait to just pull it off and shock the shiznet outta her.

For now, I will bottle my babble and the next blog post will likely be Amanda's. We will have belly pictures next post as well as some 3D pictures of our little boy-to-be because we have an appointment and ultrasound this upcoming Monday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A crazy fun week... can I even begin? This week has been filled with a LOT of fun and to tell the truth, I am EXHAUSTED! haha.

I guess I will start with last Friday (3.19.2011) when I got to participate in MORE wedding festivities. Friday was my best friend Stephanie's wedding rehearsal and that was fun, after all of the rehearsal-ing (lol) we got to go to Salt Grass (a delicious steakhouse). I really wish Kyle didn't have to work that night, but since they gave us so much food he got to enjoy MOST of my meal as a leftover treat. So yummy. After Salt Grass we went to my house for Steph's bachelorette party, where we played some fun games and had a sleepover...which was super fun aswell. We were all so tired, that we fell right to sleep. 
On Saturday morning, we woke up and went to IHop and then got ready for wedding festivities. The day was so much fun and I was so honored to be my BFF's Maid of Honor...she was so beautiful and I am so excited that she FINALLY got to marry the love of her life!!! :) It was also fun to hang out with Kyle and take funny pictures in the photobooth that their photographer set up! hilarious...I can't wait to see them!!

Here are some pictures from the wedding:

The beautiful bride and I :)

Kyle and I :)

On Sunday, unfortunately Kyle had to work, so I had dinner at my mom's boyfriends house that night. It was nice. It was fun though because before we went over there, we went to Target and my mom and I spent some money on the Kyle and I actually recieved some money from my mom's boyfriend's mom for the baby, so we picked out some outfits and an adorable pack n' play and high chair/booster seat combo that is so cute! Here are some pictures of what we got! :)

Fun onesies that were on sale...I personally love the one that says "Dad thinks I'm Rad" haha

The high chair/booster combo and pack n' play in the box...

and then built! so cute!!

Anyway...on Monday night, Kyle didn't have to work so it was nice just hanging out with him. I really do miss him when he has to work so much...but it's understandable, its crazy how we are both working hard to support ourselves now, which is hard but we are getting it! I am still working on my website...I hope to have it live soon! Just working on adding some of the last should be ready to go by the next time I work the Trade Days Market...woohoo! lol.
Tuesday night (last night) Kyle had to work...which sucked because we had originally planned to take him to the Austin Rodeo that is in town so he could experience some fun Texas culture...but he got called into work because he didn't work on my mom, her boyfriend, his son, and I went to the rodeo and watched the guys compete on bucking horses and was really neat. Then we got to watch Joan Jett perform, but we didn't stay long because our butts were hurting from sitting in the bleachers for 2 hours...haha. I really wish that Kyle could have been there, but maybe next time!

So..that brings us to today! I had a doctors appointment with the blood pressure specialist which wasn't that bad because my blood pressure was down! WOOHOO! *applause please!* lol! This couldn't have been better news...and Peanut is looking to be right on schedule. He weighs 1lb 2oz which is really neat and I am really feeling him move now. He is such a wiggle worm! lol. Here are the pictures from the ultrasound! We finally got a picture of his face!! last time he didn't want to show us! :)

His arms crossed haha his hands are so cute! Can't wait till they can grab onto mine and Kyle's fingers!

Here's a foot!

Both little feet put together!

His profile. Oh my gosh I love him SO much already! I can't believe that's our SON!

and in case you were doubting it is a I had to post this, I think it's hilariously cute!

So that ends today! It's around 8:30pm and I am completely exhausted! I am just going to wait for the boy to get home so I can head to bed! :) Oh before I forget, here is my belly shot for the week :) 

 I hope everyone is having a fantastic week...and thanks for stopping by to read our blog, we really appreciate it!! :) Love!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Busy Bee!

Wow...this week has been a crazy one!! It all started with last Wednesday when I flew up to Pennsylvania to be with my college roommate to help her with wedding stuff, and then on Saturday I was in her wedding! It was such a beautiful ceremony and I had a blast, I was really happy to be able to see her again, along with my other college roommate whom I was beginning to miss a lot!! The reception was really neat too! She had a really fun bridal party so we took some really fun pictures! 

I am the first bridesmaid on the left by the groom! :) It's SUPER sorry :)

Anyway, as far as this week goes, I came home on Sunday and have been working hard with my BFF to finish all of the last touches for her wedding that is on Saturday! I am the maid of honor, so I am getting all of my duties done!'s been really fun. I really missed hanging out with her, so I am excited to do that again! I am also throwing her bachelorette party this friday which is going to be really fun and I am super excited for it! It's going to be an awesome wedding on Saturday, I hope to get a lot of pictures!

In regards to Peanut,  it seems as if the Hypertension issues are still there, but fortunately it isn't as bad as they thought it would be. Hypertension is actually pretty common in pregnancy, so that is good. I have to see a specialist sometime next week to make sure that everything is going ok, but for the most part everything looks good. Peanut has been kicking away, having LOTS of fun using my bladder as a trampoline. It's actually quite funny! 

Our dear friend just sent us some AMAZING baby stuff, and we are so thankful! Peanut is going to be one little CUTIE when he is born, especially with this fun garb! :) My BFF also got us some decision dice for when the baby is's hilarious, that way there are no fights when it comes to who has to change Peanut! haha

All of Peanut's stuff so far! We have amazing friends/family...thanks so much!

Well, I better get going! I finally updated my LAST blog post (well, the one that I posted last) with my belly shot from last week so take a look if you haven't yet...but here is the one from this week! Peanut is a GROWIN!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

This quote I found earlier today and I'm definitely beginning to realize it now more than ever. My love has been away from me the last few weekends (at a trade show in Central Texas and this weekend for a wedding in PA) and I've been here at the house by myself. I find myself reverting back to old ways: working it all off to try and forget about things for awhile. While that does in fact, bring home some bacon, it's not really the best solution from a physical standpoint...I left last night super tired and nearly passed out on my bed, so I definitely am learning this the hard way.

Got more work this week and I definitely hope I can bring in the gold for my wife and for my son to be. Although I do miss my wife, I do enjoy letting her have her space and me having mine, as well. We have talked and said that independence in a marriage/relationship is definitely something both people need at times as opposed to smothering or something like that. I just can't wait for her to get home and so we can both just continue being happy together.

Life is great right now, like I said in my previous post, no drama, no crap, just downright relaxed and avoiding the drama back home. The only thing that bothers me about the whole thing is that this world is filled with more judgmental people than I thought. Honestly, the point of me doing what I did was for my son, my wife, and me. It's not in his best interest to grow up around people who didn't want anything to do with him, let alone not even want him to be born or exist in our lives. Plus, I basically brought to people's attention my side of the story and honestly, anyone who wasn't present has no right to judge either one of us based on one thing we did in our lives. All I did was call people out for doing what they did and where I stand in the whole matter is this: I said my piece and I'm fine. I'm not asking/wanting sympathy for either one of us, I'm just asking people to be happy for us because we really are so happy together.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kyle Speaks Out...For the First Time

Well, well, well. This is my first time blogging on this whole site.

Hello to anyone out there who is reading this and or following Amanda and I's adventures in becoming parents. I honestly have not spoken to anybody about this (in detail) since we both discovered that God has given us a new life out of our love for each other, but there is definitely a reason for it.

It all goes back to when we broke the news to my parents and they responded in the worst way possible: I won't go too into detail about it, but you can refer to my Facebook note if you want to know the full story. However, my quick side of the story is that the night we broke the news, the single worst things were said by my parents: one of which was "there are only 2 options: abort it or adoption." I honestly can say I would never be able to live with myself and I know Amanda wouldn't either if we had considered either of those options. My heart would ache for her and my unborn child knowing that we either killed it or pawned it off for adoption, I could not live with myself under those circumstances. The other things that were said were just completely horrific and the worst things I've ever heard in my life, but I'm not gonna go too far into detail on that. The only other things I can say that broke my heart on that day and the days following when we revealed the news were my mom calling her "controlling, manipulative, overbearing, always taking (instead of give and take)" were just the worst things ever. I'm sitting there listening to my mom spew at the mouth and Amanda trying to hold back the tears and the anger and thinking to myself: what in the hell is going on? This is not my mother, who is this raging woman to say these things to the love of my life when we've been together for almost 4 years. In regards to the entire situation I'm also thinking: this isn't how this situation should be handled, this isn't what's supposed to happen when you find out you're gonna be parents or gonna be welcoming a new child into the world" and I was ashamed, embarrassed, and for the first time in my life, completely helpless. I went into deep workaholic mode to avoid both of them and just completely shut down from them and from everyone else in my family because both parents had the nerve to basically tattletale and tell Amanda and I's story and news before we even got to have a voice. What I was most surprised about is how quickly certain family members turned on us when in the past they accepted us a couple: bf/gf, engaged for the past years and then something comes up and there's a complete 360 response and I can quote "how could you do this? You're a scumbag, you're basically stealing something away from us."This whole workaholic exterior I put out I said was for financial reasons cause I knew I needed to get out of my house in Maryland because I mean, hello, why would I want to stick around in a state and a house where people are not going to support us and completely disapprove of us being together and being parents for that matter?????? If someone can enlighten me and give me a legitimate reason, I will be damned, and I'm very serious about that. While my savings weren't exactly the highest, the majority of that workaholic and tough guy exterior is about 10% the reason, the 90 percentile is that I needed some space where I was around people who I would hope would not judge me on one thing I did in my life like my family basically did to me and still treat me the same regardless of the situation: and luckily that was the case in the work environment that I used to belong to. People there always told me, you know, "You're a good guy, we're proud of you, you're doing the right thing, you're manning up and taking responsibilities and accepting the consequences and repercussions for your actions and not taking the easy way out by like, being a wimp and walking away alone a scared man." Those words definitely confirmed what I had been wanting to hear from the moment I broke the news to my parents while they took my role and broke it to my family, instead the roles were unfortunately reversed and still to this day, I'm embarrassed by that. People who knew me for 6 years or less were being less judgmental than people I knew my whole life, which again reiterated my whole theory and thoughts of: this isn't what's supposed to happen, why should I be feeling like a jerk and a sellout for something that Amanda and I created out of our everlasting love for one another? Being at home with people who 'til the day I left for Austin never looked at me the same way before this situation happened was the most alone I felt in my 23 year history.

Moving to Texas
 I remember just packing and thinking like "nothing will ever be the same again." I started developing panic attacks and I still just completely shut down emotionally. I remember on my final day at work, it was a very busy night, so I didn't really get to talk with anybody about what was going to happen, but after it was all over, it was nice to let loose and be real with everybody at our bar and just have fun and chitchat late at night and I remember just telling everybody goodbye and hearing em all wish me the best of luck were what I wanted as closure that I do have friends and people who support me regardless of whether I'm married or not and going to be a father. Sadly, once again, nothing like that came from my family: no genuine goodbyes, just disapproving statements like "I feel very uneasy that you will be on your own" came from my aunt, all that completely just disgusted me and still to this day does. I won't let it go, sorry.

Getting There
Meeting up with Amanda in Detroit and seeing her again after leaving her for a few weeks back at college and knowing we would be together forever regardless of parenthood right now or not, that moment, nothing else mattered, I'm with this incredible person who I love and who loves me back and we give and take so much to, for, and from each other.

My Life Since the Move
If I could describe it in one word it is this: is absolutely fabulous or drama free one word??????????????? My life since I've been down here is the happiest I've been since I did the Disney College Program 3 years ago, while maybe not as exciting as it was back then, still fabulous. OK, it is exciting I'm gonna be a parent, but the excitement of being in Disney is just a different kind of excitement emotion than this kind is all I'm trying to say, LOL. While I was skeptical about finding employment down here after the move, within I think 2 weeks or so, I found one through a website and applied and interviewed and was accepted. While it is exhausting and soreness erupts after a few hours, I really love my job and love the people who I work with, as well. They are also very understanding of my situation and are still getting to know me as a person but I feel have accepted me with open arms regardless of my social status, marital status/situation, etc. I can whole heartedly say that there was one day at work where I was telling a few people my story/situation where I just said in my head "I don't care anymore. I'm with an incredible woman who I'm in love with, and we created a life out of love for each other, why should we worry about what other people think? Who gives a crap? If they ain't with us, they're against us, and having people like that are like sore thumbs walking around and that puts us down and creates drama, man, we sure as hell don't need that in our lives now.
In regards to my family: I have NOT spoken to my parents in the last month and a half and quite honestly don't really intend on it (maybe forever) for the simple fact that they won't take back what they said to Amanda and apologize and try mending the bridges they broke with her, her family, me, and my soon-to-be-son. Hell, we extended an olive branch the night after the news was dropped and offered them the chance to be clued in on everything that we were thinking, doing, and everything in general regarding the baby. That was until the next day, they cut the branch off with their words and then set it on fire with their actions. So, from my point of view, they will just be Rhonda and Paul to my son, not Grandma and Grandpa after what they said and did.

In regards to fatherhood: I'm nervous and excited about it. This whole thing is just so surreal to me like every man dreams about the day he holds his newborn and I sure had my dreams and whatnot about it and it's happening and I'm anxious but excited at the same time. I just know that I'm in store for a journey of indescribable feelings and emotions revolving around me, my soon-to-be-wife, and my future son. It's a journey that I'm ready to take and I'm excited about it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

20 weeks! Halfway there!!

Wow! I can't believe we are already at 20 weeks pregnant, I never thought it would get here this fast! It's pretty crazy!! We are just so excited! We are halfway through the pregnancy, which is AMAZING! Kyle and I are so excited to meet Peanut, and we already have a name picked out (which we have decided not to share on here for safety's he will be lovingly referred to as Peanut :) )

Anyway...I guess it's time for a little update!
This past week I went to work at a Trade Days Market where I did pretty well for the first time being out there. Booths usually bomb their first month (the market is every month, the weekend before the first monday) and so I am glad to see that I was able to pull through! I also got to see my cousin whom I haven't seen in years, so that was nice! It's always good to catch up with family. Kyle stayed home for the week because he had to work, and has been doing REALLY well with tips. I am so proud of him, we are learning to budget things so that way we can support ourselves and also be able to do fun things aswell! :) It's a tough process at times! Peanut and I missed him though and are glad to be home! hehe :)

One crazy thing that happened when my mom and I were gone was that my car (lovingly known as Susie Belle :) ) decided that she didn't want to cooperate, so she broke down in my front driveway! Poor Kyle had to figure out what to do, and luckily my Mom's boyfriend has more than one car so Kyle was able to get to work this past weekend!! Right now as I write this, Kyle and my mom are on the way with the tow truck to the car repair place...and unfortunately any money that I made this past weekend at the Market has to go to the car...but such is life!!!! haha.

I had a doctors appointment last Tuesday...everything is looking good except for the fact that I might have some hypertension issues...(which is quite normal in pregnancy, but could be bad). I am just asking for prayers at this point in time, that this doesn't turn into anything serious! We want Peanut to stay safe and sound until July 23!! I started drinking tons of water, I think that some of my problem has been dehydration, because I NEVER drink that's gotta change!!!

This week is going to be a busy one for me, especially because on Wednesday, I fly to Pennsylvania to be in one of my best friend's weddings that is on Saturday! (3/12)! I am so excited for her, it's going to be amazing and beautiful! I will be home Sunday, after her wedding. I then have a doctors appointment next Tuesday in the early morning, and then next weekend (3/19) is my BFF's wedding! Crazyy...I am just thankful that I still fit in the dresses! haha. I am going to be one tired mama to be! I wish that Kyle could come with me to Pennsylvania...but unfortunately work is more important at this time, and since my work is mobile (starting my online business!!!) I can leave...and plus, I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Well, that's basically it for this week so far...I will probably update with some more belly pictures soon, Kyle and I have decided that Mondays are the days when we will take pictures of the belly! I will update this post when we decide to take the pictures..but right now Kyle is at the car repair we will have to do our pics later!! :) Kyle wants to start posting on the blog too...(which is awesome!) so don't be surprised to see a post from him every so often as well! :)

**UPDATE 3/16/2011** Here is the picture I meant to upload the day that I posted this blog...I totally forgot about it until now! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

19 weeks!!

Well, this week (mainly yesterday) was definitely exciting for us, as we got to finally find out the sex of the baby!!! It was something that we REALLY wanted to know, so that way we would be prepared to start shopping for baby clothes and so we would be able to also start the baby's room! :)

We found out that we are going to have a BOY!!!! He didn't want to cooperate much for the ultrasound tech, he only wanted to face my spine the whole time, so we didn't get a good picture of his cute little face...we only got to see his back, which is pictured here really well, you can see his spine! So neat.

He was curled in the "fetal position" in this picture, his bottom is to the left and his head is down to the right :)

As far as the baby's room goes, so far we have the crib, which looks like this (We will probably put a picture when the baby's room is finished, but the one of the JCPenny website will do for now :) ) We got to pick it up last week (during week 18) so that is exciting. We started cleaning out my old room for the baby, and plan to do it in a jungle theme, which our good friend Sandra is sewing a beautiful quilt and curtains for! :)

(Here's the crib...ya know, minus the pink baby stuff :) The color is actually a darker brown than the crib that is pictured)

Anyway, this week we bought our first onesie (set) for the baby! It is going to be so cute! We might actually put this set on him as he comes home from the hospital, but we will probably change our mind a zillion times, haha. It's cute, the bib says "charming" and it came with the onesie, pants, a sweater, a hat, and the bib :)

An excited daddy-to-be :)

Anyway, tonight I decided to look in the mirror, and it feels like my belly has gotten could be just bloat, but we decided to take a picture to document it! lol. I didn't have a belly until now, so I don't know...haha. Its just all so new to us! 

(yeah, I look disgusting in this picture, oh well...haha I am pregnant, I have an excuse (or so I say haha))

Anyway, that's the big stuff that has happened so far this week. I will probably update again after our doctor appointment on Tuesday, then it's off to work at a Trade Days Market that is about 3 1/2 hours away!

Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Our New Blog!

Welcome to our first blog together, where we will be posting regular updates about our life and our baby that is on the way! We are extremely excited to share this life of ours with you and hope that you are ready to come on a ride with us as we experience many new and different things!

Our ultimate goal is for this blog is that it will follow us as we grow together as a family, and follow us as our kid(s) grow, as well as when we FINALLY get married! :)

Hope you will stick around with us as we start on this journey, it's going to be amazing!!!